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ISMRM 2025

May 10 - 15, 2025


Booth B32


Hawai’i Convention Center, Honolulu, Hawaii

SIGNA MR: See the future. Change the outcome.

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Visit us in Honolulu and step into the future of MR imaging. Explore our latest SIGNA™ MR innovations, designed to deliver on the promise of Effortless Imaging and to enable groundbreaking discoveries, all while making MRI technology more sustainable and accessible to everyone who needs it.

Featured products and solutions

Innovation Theater

The power of deep learning for pediatric cardiac MRI
Prof. Geiger discusses the benefits of introducing Sonic DL™ and wireless cardiac gating at Switzerland’s largest pediatric hospital.
Revolutionizing Alzheimer diagnosis, staging and treatment with PET/MR
A deep-dive into PET/MR as the ideal modality for both clinical care and research in the dementia patient population.
Furthering neuroscience researching neuroimaging with SIGNA™ MAGNUS*
Discover the science behind SIGNA MAGNUS* and the impact of advanced gradients in neuroradiology research.

Disclaimer: *MAGNUS (Mesoscale diffusion with Advanced Gradients for Neuro Ultrafast Scanning) SIGNA MAGNUS is 510(k) cleared with the FDA. Not yet CE Marked. Not available for sale in all regions.
Introducing our SIGNA™ vision at ISMRM 2024
Watch a recap of 40 years of SIGNA MR innovation and discover our vision to address some of healthcare's most pressing challenges.
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Onsite activities

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Magnetic Resonance Imaging
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Unveiling the future of MR imaging
May 11, 2025 | 07:00 p.m. | GE HealthCare booth B32
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Gold symposium: The Power to explore further
May 15, 2025 | 12:00 p.m. - 01:00 p.m. HST | Kalākaua Ballroom
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Not all products and solutions shown on the GE HealthCare Events Center, may be available in your country. Please contact a GE HealthCare representative to confirm availability.
GE HealthCare Events Center
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